Make It Monthly!
Monthly donations are a great way to make a big impact and help us achieve our goals for the year and support our ongoing programs. With your help, we can continue bring music, dance, stories and songs from around the world to our community in accessible and engaging ways.
One Time Donations
You can also make a one time donation. A one-time donation of $20, $50, $100, or whatever you are able to afford helps the Festival keep operating. If you prefer to send a cheque, you can make it payable to: Mission Folk Music Festival and mail it to Box 3125, Mission, BC V2V 4J3.
Gifts are tax deductible
You will receive an automatic tax receipt by email for online donations, and a paper receipt within three weeks for mailed donations.
Together, we can make magic!
Well, we can make music, but isn’t that the same thing?
Thank you for considering us in your giving.
Your gifts make an impact on the quality of the music that we can present at our summer festival and at our year-round events.
Mission Folk Music Festival Society is a registered charitable organization, 12854 4509 RROOO1